Wednesday, March 16

The day of the days

Today in 1 hour 2 minutes we are officially leaving to the airport and going off to NZ! So I probably will NOT be able to blog on here or melting rose. :(

But I have started a journal for New Zealand so I guess I can probably transfer some of it on to the blog when I get back :) I am also using my parents camera as they have this other 'New' CAmera so i get to use the old one which should be cool! (I have never had a camera to use on trips before) Anyways I am dressed, packed and ready to go and I am also quite glad that I am feeling better as lately I have not been feeling too well......actually most of our New Zealand Crew have not been feeling so good lately either!

Well..........I guess I will go see what the family is doing now..
Until the end of the holiday:
Good Bye

Sunday, March 13

Slippery Showcase. Kangaroo outfits?

The Showcase concert is officially over and I guess that is quite sad as it was a fun experience. :) Both on stage and off stage was interesting as on stage there were really funny things going when we had to sway on the stands the stands started to move with us (uh oh) so we all had BIG smiles on our faces (scared smiles) and the smoke machine went faulty so we could hardly see at certain parts and I had to close my eyes at one point! On the last show the floor was some what SLIPPERY so a few dancers fell and all of the movements were rather clumsy...(oops) Someone shouldn't have mopped up! The good thing was that no one got hurt and no one in the audience noticed anything unusual going on.....;) BACKSTAGE was also really fun but then again it wasn't. Myself and Eleanor had card tournaments playing 'Marmalade' and 'Rummy' and 'Go Fish' and 'Speed' as well as making card houses, playing charades, pictionary, listening to music, reading and making clapping sequences.....Oh and we had a Yoga session. LOL We did really interesting warm ups for going on to stage like vibrating our lips upside down and going up and down the scale like this also. BUT THE WORST PART.....WAS OUR ROOM. BAsically all of the people involved in the Showcase concert were split up in to rooms: The senior choir, the dancers, the junior dancers, junior choir e.g For instance the dancers room was called 'Star lounge' and the junior dancers and choir had the 'Green lounge'...and by the way these names were written on the doors in gold metal. Our room however had a piece of paper plastered over the door that said 'Boys toilet/ Senior Choir' and I am not joking here. To get to the point...the room STUNK; so that wasn't fun but I guess it can not all be glamorous! :)

Today I had a very lazy, non active day watching the amazing race with my mum where the teams had to dress up as kangaroos (heehee) hense the title 'Kangaroo outfits'....Well I better go now so Bye!
P.s NZ IN TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 10

Rehearsals and Headaches

Talk later

Thursday, March 3

Drip, drip, drip

Air conditioner is dripping.......drip......drip.....drip........drip.......drip. But the suddenly it stops and the a week later it is drip.......drip.......drip......again. So I don not knwo what to think; perhaps it leaks when it wants too?? :/ Anyways My chemistry result was good 90% so I am happy :) and pleased about goal right now is to get an A in both math and english because theya re the only 2 out of 10 i am getting b's in which is really starnge because they are so completely different. My main priority with Maths is to get in to the separated GCSE statistics/EXTRA math group because apparently that is supposed to be a really great for future A-levels and stuff. S I am sorry if I am boring you with my thought on Maths of all subjects :O
I guess my week has been slow paced and tiring so I need the friday to be done and over with as quickly as possible.....NEXT WEEK IS THE SHOWCASE CONCERT AND THERE IS
This link shows last years concert pics:

SO check it out if you like.....If you are wondering i am in the choir so I need to be part of the rehersals :)

Wednesday, March 2

A meting rose

This website is my blog but it is photographs and pictures that I believe are truly fascinating....perhaps a display of current emotions :)
hope you enjoy