Wednesday, June 30

Same Old same old.

Well today there isn't too much to tell other than tomorrow is our last proper school day!
I need to hand in a few papers for a special cooking trip from school on friday. Saturday and sunday are then weekend!
I have Karate in the morning on sunday but of course we leave brunei at 8pm but I think i have explained that over a million times already!
My science teacher surprised us by saying our last science lesson will be an assessment on how well we do experiments and write ups on our own which will follow us to year 9!!! EEEEEEEEEEK!
I mean Why now we have already done exams!
Anyways other than that I believe form now onwards it seems pretty cool...
Making this short today so

Tuesday, June 29

Rock that body

Oh this song is so good by black eyed peas that I have dedicated this post to this song and also i believe that people should dance to the fortune and happiness os summer holidays or (somma lav) And that was really spelt wrong.
So everyone should be dancing !
Also on Friday I am going to watch ECLIPSE! WIth Ehi ...the latest twilight movie YEY!!! :)
Hopefully we can get seats but adrian and my mum want to watch it same time same place.
Now i have a question that can be answered in comments or email whatever you have.

Seriously folks you will not get this one!
Amelia :D

Sunday, June 27

The Best I possibly can...although its hard.

Basectly i am soooooooooo excited because we are going to so many places over the holiday i can not wait and i am trying to hold in the excitement although sometimes there is a leak here and there.
Also in school i am trying to work hard but its weird because what we are doing is just extra so i need to keep working hard at least until Thursday!
At the moment my brother is watching Knight and day this film with tom cruise and cameron diaz....supposed to be good!
What i have done or am planning to do soon: V board, dt homework, sims 3, read, shower e.t.c
Uncle adam if you are reading....sims 3 something i might want for my b-day(hint hint) :D
If not someone pass the message.
Well i will be in Sweden for my bday and i am not sure if i can blog because i will have to get a hold of a computer and at the moment i am not 100% sure if i am bringing my laptop....
anyways i think i will leave now so
Bye :)

Saturday, June 26

Lini's House

At the moment i am typing this at lini's house because yesterday i went and watched her piano recital.
She was really nervous and some transmitted to me i became nervous too! But she did excellently well.
After about 14 classical piano songs throughout the evening i cant say any other pieces of music.LOL
Anyways i have about 4 days of normal school left and i day of cooking fun activity school!
and then we leave for the summer.
On thursday we had a transition day so year 8's went and did some activities with the upper school teachers.
It was fun but a bit frightening because they were saying that upper school is much harder and that freaked everyone
out a bit however at least they were honest.(i would of preferred it if they weren't though!)
I guess i shall say farewell and leave you to your weekend~
Bye Amelia :D

Wednesday, June 23 is all about school and the ignorance of teachers at this stage, their timing, theories and my own.
Basically teachers are still giving out homework!
Why? Who knows i mean i have 6 days of school until i leave for summer!
Whats the point and also they now decide to start giving us a lecture about sex education! ( it will be stuck in our heads during the holidays!)
Also Tomorrow is called transition day(to see what next year would be like...but year 8 isn't participating even though we are still middle schoolers!
You know I have a theory....its a random theory but still a theory....i believe when we die(i know this is grim) that we...whats the word....reincarnate and are reborn. We are put in a waiting room for years and years and when it is our turn again we get sent to earth with no memory of any sort! Vuala my theory.
However I am not buddhist and this is a buddhist belief however that will not stop me!
Anyways have a wonderful day
Amelia x

Monday, June 21

Happy Birthday Carolina!

Happy birthday!
Cant wait to see you and i caught up on the phone with you just a minute ago so i hope you
have a fun time on your picnic!
9 days until i finish year 8 well not including weekends anyway.
Today my brother has his social and tomorrow is mine but his is a bit different: his is a movie and stuff when mine is a disco dance dinner thing.
Also Lini might be sleeping over on a SCHOOL NIGHT how rad is that.....i can not believe i just said rad...
sooooo Please comment on my posts and ask me a questions if you have any and i will try to answer them to the best
of my ability!
Bye for now

Sunday, June 20


Yesterday i didn't write because I was tired and I had people over the whole day so i couldn't squeeze it in.
So this is how it happened: We all waited for everyone to show up and dad got the boat ready for going out or something.
When everyone arrived we set out but the weather was TERRIBLE... we went through two rain storms to get to the spit and
usually weather is ok out of the we biscuited for a little while in the rain and waves. We decided we should go on the inland and have the barbecue and see if the weather clears up....EVENTUALLY IT DID!
We roasted hot dogs and chicken skewers and had marshmallows to finish with. We all went into the waves and played around crazily and that was reeeeeealy fun!
So at this point everyone wanted to go biscuiting in the normal sunny weather and it was way more fun. In the end we rode back to the yacht club holding on to the biscuit!
We then headed to my house where we had my birthday cupcakes(instead of a cake) and waited for the parents.
Ehi was the last to go at 10pm but it was cool because w did all sorts of things.
Today I am supposed to be doing Karate but my muscles ache and i am tired from yesterday.
Adrian is at this football tournament so not much is happening today!
Amelia :)

Thursday, June 17

The news is Piling Up...

MBW News Flash;
Amelia's party is on saturday, Dance/social is on tuesday, 17 days until summer, adrian is getting a phone, Reports are being written, People are starting to have the summer frenzy .
Goodbye and Goodnight...

Summer frenzy: Crazy and hyper active about holidays growing closer.
Well thats that.
I went and saw Jasmine today she is this really cute toddler who is my goddaughter (believe it or not)
and she is so CUTE!!!!
Now soon we are having dinner then I
....................maybe...............I might do my DT homework. :D
Well Bye for now!

Wednesday, June 16

Post no. 38!

Does me... amelia have to leave my books at school with hmw due Tomorrow!
Well its got to be done at break then.
So hi whoever is reading!
I had a athletics today and started finalising party details for saturday and we alo had a meeting about my activity in school...Cultural masterchef.
Eventhough i will only be doing it for two days because I am leaving Early! Yippee :)
But there are a lot of fun things planned. Only 18 days left until summer.
Oh and I have had two posts on two DIFFERENT blogs dedicated to me so check it out on: and
Well I am in the full house mode and have just had the last of yesterdays chocolate cake so i bet you
there will be someone tomorrow mad at me!
Amelia :D

Monday, June 14


Hey not much of a title ....sorry.
Today was FIFA world cup day at school but im not a football fan to that certain of extent.
I might be singing a song with my friend in front of middle school so that might be cool...i keep using might because i don't know what i am thinking right now. heehee
My party is on SATURDAY and i am inviting:
Melissa Basyirah
Lini Phoebe
Ehi Yih Ping
Tilly Hannah

We are going on the boat and having a bonfire on the spit.!!!!
Report cards are due friday but we don't get to see them for another 2 weeks!
so please answer my petition and leave comment if u have questions or..... a comment.(LOL)
amelia :)
p.s that is my invitation....:D

Sunday, June 13

Happy Birthday Eleanore!

Just wanted to wish a Happy Birthday to Eleanore for she is turning 10 today!
Tried to phone but didn't get through!
Wishing you a great birthday from the A family!

Simply the weekend.

3 days in one post!!!
hooray today because i haven't typed for a while am talking about my entire friday, saturday and sunday!
On friday I went out on a campout with school with one of my after school activities.
We first put up our tents in the groups we share a tent with and then we started cooking! We dumped noodles, sausages, seasoning, sweetcorn and all sorts into a transportable little camping cooker that every group got then we ate it and set off into the jungle for a night hike!
This was dark so the only light was torchlight and this was about 1 and a half hours long and everyone was singing songs it was cool.
When we got back we had biscuits and hot milo then snuggled into our tents for the night. You ' call it snuggling though because...It was soooo HOT! Also Lini couldn't sleep and she started having a laughing fit so it was hard to sleep and the sleeping bags were tossed around all night.
In the morning I was so tired because it was hard to sleep through the entire night and we packed up and cooked breakfast which was pancakes, spaghetti and baked beans.
So saturday i cant describe in depth because it was a lazy day. The only thing that happened was that me, mummy and daddy went and watched A-Team at the cinema which was good. we also picked up adrian from a party.
Sunday was today and i Had KARATE!!!
then we went to the yacht club, had a late lunch, did HW and here i am after a shower.
So thats that.
Got my english results and i was 1% of off an A!!!!!!!!!!!
And Math i was an a.
So thats all. Bye from Amelia :)

Wednesday, June 9

1, 2, 3, 4...

4 more results still to come the information is as follows: (X) = haven't got back
English:(X) essay
(X) reading
Math: 80% non calc
(X) calc
(X) mental
History: 82% all
Chinese: 88% all
Geography: 84% all
Science: 78% all (could change though to 80% +)

So thats that...What do you think? So all are A's so far.
Anyways on friday i have a camping trip with an after school club i joined called outdoor ed so that should be really fun...and tomorrow at lunch i have a meeting about the end of year, year 8 evening/dance.
so.....thats all for today catch up later.
Amelia :)

Tuesday, June 8

4 weeks two days

Only a while...........until holidays and i cant wait to go to sweden and meet my relatives and paris for the first time EVER!
Some exam results have come in and so far out of the 3 i have back they are all A's.
So thats gooooood...but i have a nasty feeling about science for some reason.
my mummy should be back soon and expects us in got to run.
Amelia :)

Sunday, June 6

Last day!

How is it that tomorrow is school!
I am sad now................................................Boo Hoo.
And now I have to go to bed so sorry for this extremely short post.
p.s: I had a massage was sooooo relaxing...:)

Friday, June 4

Labuan/Lagoon resort and spa

Today we all went to Labuan and the islands.(me and my family, Adrian's friend and luke and oscar with their parents)
It was cooooooooool....on the way there i went with luke on their boat so we sat at the front.Yippee! :)
when we arrived we ate at the honghua...wonghwa...tonghwa.....(whatever its called) which is a seafood resteraunt(TASTY)
I had a lot of seafood and baby kailan (it's a really yummy vege)
then we headed off to the chocolate place where we got some after eights(chocolate)
Funny i didn't melt straight away~!!!
then we went to the islands which we thought was going to be lame but instead we came across a lagoon(the size of a swimming pool) on the sand bank. The lagoon was the temperature of a hot bath!!!
It was like a giant spa.....YEY! :D
We set up this spa with two bamboo poles stretching across the water
which were the head and foot rests and seats made of sand on the edge. These were designed by the Guys(heehee.....apart from luke)
very good too i became the assistant and we had a whole business(aside the whole customer/cash thing......Sad)
anyways i have babbled enough about today.
See you :)

Tuesday, June 1

Handling the little angels...

Little angels yeah right that is why adrian, oscar and jack are going to be at gamezone for 2 hours so i can sit and type...but then they might sleepover.
i feel like this happens everyday and i bet i have talked about it before.
anyway my mum says we are leaving now so......
bye x